
Deir el-Ballas 2018-2019, Week Two: 12/15 – 12/21

We made a lot of progress in our first full week at the site. The façade of the ‘South Palace’ is now almost completely cleaned and is looking very impressive. Piet Collet and Vicky Jensen and Tom Hardwick are now busy planning the brickwork prior to Tony Crosby’s arrival and...

Deir el-Ballas 2018-2019, Week One: 12/10-12/15

Piet Collet and I arrived in Luxor on December 10 on the night train from Cairo. Hassaan Mohamed Ali, our incomparable foreman met us at Luxor station and brought us to the Wilkinson House where we will be staying for December thanks to the generosity of Pearce Paul Creasman, Associate...

Another Brick in the Wall

Preparations have begun for our upcoming 2018-19 season at Deir el-Ballas. Already Hassaan Mohamed Ali has supervised the production of 5000 new mud bricks for the restoration of the façade of the “South Palace” which had been perilously undermined by looters. We will also survey the South Wadi and the...


From left to right: Niv Allon, Christian Knoblauch, Peter Lacovara and Bettina Bader in a chilly Boston. The publication team that worked on the Hearst Expedition Material at in Berkeley this past April reconvened at the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) annual meeting which was held from November 15th to...

Debating Deir el-Ballas

The site of Deir el-Ballas is of great importance in our understanding of the history and archaeology of the Second Intermediate Period. This June Peter Lacovara participated in an International Workshop on “Second Intermediate Period Assemblages: The Building Blocks of Local Relative Sequences of Material Culture” hosted by the ‘Beyond...

Drawing Deir el-Ballas

Bettina Bader drawing a "fish dish" with Vicky Jensen and Christian Knoblanch In order to prepare Reisner's excavations at Deir el-Ballas for publication I was joined by Bettina Bader and Christian Knoblauch of the Austrian Academy of Sciences project: Beyond Politics: Material Culture in Second Intermediate Period Egypt and Nubia, START-Projekt...

Back to Ballas

Piet Collet surveying on top of "South Palace" From January 11 to January 24, 2017, the Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund conducted our first, short initial season of survey and recording at the Site of Deir el-Ballas. Our goals for this campaign were to figure out ways to protect and...